Police of the Czech Republic
SAT tracks every transport of weapons and explosives
Police of the Czech Republic (PČR) is the Armed Security Corps of the Czech Republic. Employs more than 40,000 police officers and civilian employees. The Managing Authority is the Police Presidium of the Czech Republic. Police are also involved in other specialized bodies with nationwide competence such as the Criminal Institute, National Drug Headquarters or Directorate Foreign Police Services. Furthermore, there are 14 county headquarters with other divisions on the urban and district level in the regions.
Dozens of transports of weapons and explosives move around in the country every day. Transport is provided by a large number of civilian entities. The original registration process was mainly analog. There was no monitoring system allowing more than very simplistic tracking of a particular transport. Due to the current security situation, there was high demand for digitization of the existing system
To develop a system digitalizing the processes of registration, while allowing online tracking. A system that allows continuous communication with all transports independently of the carrier and its positioning technology.
We have developed a Monitoring Integrated System (MIS) or Sensitive Asset Tracking (SAT) for particular markets. It has fleet system abilities and can integrate data from other fleet/positioning services. We call it "Superfleet" ability.
SAT basic modules:
- Detection of unauthorized phenomena in planned routes
- Entities and access administration
- Module for integrating different fleet/positioning services
- Mobile app for communication between transport and supervision
- Mobile application for replacing a broken or otherwise non-functional position module in the monitored object
Some special features:
- Ability to process data from various positioning services
- Ability to monitor and report time and location deviations from the planned transport envelope
- Ability to monitor and evaluate traffic situation on route planned or ongoing transportation
- The ability to generate and provide a detour route
Colonel František Habada
Head of Operational Department of Police Presidium of the Czech Republic"For us, SAT represents a significant simplification for the management of the tracking of sensitive assets. We have gained absolute visibility and control over all carriers thus significantly eliminatinmg potential security threats. In addition, the system saves significant back office costs with its automatic transport records and billing documents."